10 Tips To Lose Belly Fat In 15 Days

Flat Belly

Today, around the world, we see people with bigger tummies although they are not very heavy overall. In fact, doctor's reports state that belly fat can have a higher mortality rate, it is strongly linked to diabetes and stroke. Therefore, losing belly fat is necessary for your health for your longer lifespan.

Tips to reduce your belly fat in few days:

1. Avoid Sugar

Avoid Soft Drinks

Sugar contains glucose and fructose. Fructose is metabolised by liver in a certain amount. Thats why the liver gets overloaded with fructose by eating excess sugar and this excess fructose turns into fat. This fat is actually accumulated in the belly and liver.
So just avoid sugar & sugary foods which includes sugar-sweetened beverages & soft drinks, sodas, marketed fruit juices, sports drinks etc. Be aware, even foods labeled as health foods can also contain huge amounts of sugar.

2. Take Small quantity of Meal 

Eating small quantity in every meals help in reducing overall weight loss as well as reducing belly fat too. But that does not mean you have to skip meals or starve. Just eat timely but lower the quantities.

3. Have your dinner early

Dinner should be as light as possible because it is that time when your digestive system is preparing to shut down. So try to finish your dinner by 8 pm as to give your body enough time to digest. Then brush your teeth & walk for 5 minutes before sleep. It will help to reduce accumulation of fat in your body including tummy.

 4. Never skip breakfast

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